Mari Martin

Teatteri- ja esitystaiteilija ja tutkija - Theatre- and live-artist and researcher

Katso myös profiilini Research Cataloguessa: - See also my profile in the Research Catalogue:

Alla lyhyt CV suomeksi, lyhyt CV englanniksi ja pitkä CV englanniksi.

Below a short CV in Finnish, a short CV in English and a long CV in English.

CURRICULUM VITAE (lyhyt, suomeksi)



Nimi:    Mari MARTIN

Sähköposti:    marimartin618(at)
Puhelin:    +358 50 460 6789
Syntynyt:   10. huhtikuuta 1965
Kansallisuus:    Suomi


30.5.2014 Teatteritaiteen tohtori, Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, Helsinki, Suomi.

Viimeisimpiä työtehtäviä

Tutkijana Taideyliopiston CfARissa (Centre for Artistic Research) ja CERADAssa (Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts) vuodesta 2015 lähtien eri tehtävissä:

Työ CfARissa:

  • Vieraileva tutkija 1.1.2019 -

  • Tutkijatohtorin toimi  1.5.2018 - 31.12.2018

- Melancholia -yhteisnäyttely Marjatta Ojan kanssa 1.-9.9.2022 Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemian Mylly-rakennuksen Kaiku-galleriassa ja ulkoterassilla. Toteutin näyttelyssä Ajatuskiiloja-nimisen installaation. Tulossa: 18.11.2022 seminaari, jossa Marjatta Oja ja minä avaamme näyttelyn sisältölä. Seminaari on Taideyliopiston CfArin (Centre for Artistic research) Post Doc Art -tapahtuma ja samalla osa Teatterikorkeakoulun ja Kuvataidfeakatemian tutkimusyksikköjen seminaariviikkoa.   

In the Wind - Sensing the Location Now -ryhmänäyttely ja taiteellisen tutkimuksen tapahtuma Myymälä 2 -galleriassa Helsingin Punavuoressa 20.5. - 13.6.2021. Työryhmän taiteilija-tutkijat: Riikka Kevo (kuvataide), Mari Martin (esitystaide), Marjatta Oja (kuvataide) ja Leena Valkeapää (kuvataide ja ympäristötaide). Toteutin näyttelytapahtumaa varten teoksen On the Streets. Se muodostui osallistujien kanssa toteuttamistani kaupunkikävelyistä Punavuoressa, kävelyjen dokumentoinnista ja dokumenttien asettamisesta gallerian seinille. Näyttelytapahtuman aikana järjestimme kaksi online-keskustelutilaisuutta.

- Osallistuminen Taideyliopiston luotsaamaan Research Pavilion #3 projektiin (RP#3), Venetsian Biennaalin kontekstissa (1.7.2018 - 17.11.2019) Ajauksia-taiteilijaryhmän jäsenenä, 50 kansainvälisen taiteilija-tutkijan joukossa:

  • Aistiretket Ajauksia-ryhmän kansssa Helsingissä: Kalasatama 27.5., Lapinlahden sairaalan alue 7.5., Uutela 29.4., Kontula 15.4. Aistiretket Venetsiassa, Giudeccan saarella, osana RP#3-tapahtumaa, viisi kertaa: 12.6., 13.6., 14.6., 15.6., 16.6. (16.6. osana Convocation - On Expanded Language-Based Practices -tapahtumaa).

  • Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab. RP#3-projektin päätöstapahtuma Taideyliopiston Exhibition Laboratory -tilassa, 25.10. - 17.11.2019. Osallistuminen Ajauksia- ja Disruptive Processes -ryhmien ryhmäinstallaatioon. Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab Universes in Universe website

Työ CERADAssa :

  • Tutkijatohtori: kansainvälisen Hollo Symposiumin järjestäminen ja Suomen taide- ja kulttuurikasvatuksen observatorion koordinointi osana ENO-verkostoa (European network of observatories in the field of arts and cultural education). 15.8.2017 - 30.6.2018.

  • Projektitutkija ArtsEqual -hankkeen tiimissä 1, Arts(at)School. Kyselytutkimus Lastenkulttuurikeskukset osallisuutta tuottamassa. Huoltajien arvioita lastensa osallistumisesta ja osallisuudesta taiteeseen ja kulttuuriin. 1.8.2016 - 31.1.2017.

  • Tutkimusassistentti ArtsEqual -hankkeen tiimissä 1, Art(at)School. 1.2. - 31.5.2016. Päätehtävä: koko tiimiä ja sen useita osaprojekteja koskevan yhteisen lausuntopyynnön laatiminen Taideyliopiston vasta perustetulle eettiselle toimikunnalle.

  • Kirjan Taiteilija kehittäjänä toimittaminen. ArtsEqual -hanke. 16.11. - 18.12.2015.

  • Projektitutkija: kyselytutkimus Tanssin ja teatterin alan opettajankoulutuksen nykytilanne ja tulevaisuudennäkymät. 16.3. - 15.6. ja 10.8. - 30.9.2015.

Viimeisimmät julkaisut taiteellisen tutkimuksen alalta (kaikki julkaisut ks. pitkä CV):

Martin, Mari 2021. Aina uudesti syntyvä hetkellinen yhteisö. Taiteilija-tutkijan tempoilua institutionaalisessa tutkimuskehyksessä. Julkaisussa Lea Kantonen & Sari Karttunen (toim.) Yhteisötaiteen etiikka - Tilaa toiselle, arvoa arvaamattomalle. Taideyliopisto, (PDF). (Vertaisarvioitu tutkimusartikkeli.)

Martin, Mari 2020. Sensory Excursion as a Site of Encounter. In Mika Elo, Henk Slager and Tero Heikkinen (eds.) Ecologies of Practice. RUUKKU #14. Publication in artistic research. (Peer-reviewed research exposition.)

Ajauksia artist group 2020a. Sensory Experiences - A Perceiving, Encountering and Articulating Body in Urban Space. Edited by Mari Martin. CARPA 6 Conference publication on artistic research. University of the Arts Helsinki and Kiasma. (Research article.)The Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions and Futures

Ajauksia artist group 2020b. An Articulating and Perceiving Body (in Urban Space). The Conversation of Heterotopia. Report on Ajauksia artist group 's participation in Nordic Summer University's Performing Heterotopia event on July 27, 2020.

Martin, Mari 2017. Dialogissa kaupunkiympäristön kanssa. Julkaisussa Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl & Marja Silde (toim.) Tekijä - teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta. Teatterintutkimuksen seuran verkkojulkaisusarja Näyttämö ja tutkimus 6. (Vertaisarvioitu tutkimusartikkeli.)

CURRICULUM VITAE (short, in English)



Full name:  Mari MARTIN (Mari, she/her)

Email: marimartin618(at)gmail.comMobile phone:  +358 50 460 6789Birthday:  10 April 1965Nationality:   FinnishHomepage:


30.5.2014 Doctor of Arts (in Theatre and Drama), Theatre Academy of the Uniarts Helsinki, Finland.

Latest work experience

Researcher in the University of the Arts Helsinki since 2015 in different tasks (Uniarts Helsinki)

Positions in CfAR (Centre for Artistic Research)

  • Visiting researcher 1.1.2019 - 

  • Postdoctoral researcher. 1.5.2018 - 31.12.2018

Melancholia - joint exhibition with Marjatta Oja, at the University of the Arts, in the Kaiku gallery of Fine Arts and on the roof terrace (5th floor), 1-9 September 2022. I summarized my research experiences in the form of an installation Thought Wedges. Coming: We will host a PDA event (Post doc art) 18.11.2022, where we will open the contents of the exhibition. The seminar is a part of CfAR´s (Centre for Artistic Research) autumn program.

- In the Wind - Sensing the Location Now  joint exposition and event on artistic research in Myymälä 2 gallery in Punavuori, Helsinki 20 May - 13 June 2021. The artist-researchers: Riikka Kevo (visual art), Mari Martin (live-art), Marjatta Oja (visual art) and Leena Valkeapää (visual art and environmental art). I implemented On the Streets for the exhibition. It consisted of my city walks in Punavuori with the participants, documenting the walks and placing the documentaries on the gallery walls. During the exhibition event, we held two online discussion events.

- Participation in the Research Pavilion #3 project (RP#3), in the context of Venice Biennale, hosted by the University of the Arts Helsinki (1.7.2018 - 17.11.2019) as a member of Ajauksia artist group, among 50 international artists:

  • Sensory excursions by Ajauksia in urban environments in Helsinki: Kalasatama 27.5., Lapinlahti hospital area 7.5., Uutela 29.4., Kontula 15.4. In Venice, on the island of Giudecca, as a part of the exposition, located in the Sala del Camino, five times: 12.6., 13.6., 14.6., 15.6. and 16.6. (16.6. as part of the Convocation - On Expanded Language-Based Practices event).

  • Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab. Concluding exposition of the RP#3 project in the Exhibition Laboratory, University of the Arts Helsinki, 25.10.-17.11.2019. Participation in the group installation of Ajauksia and Disruptive Processes. Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab Universes in Universe website

  • So far, three articles in 2020: Martin 2020a; 2020b; Ajauksia artist group 2020.

Positions in CERADA (Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts):

  • Postdoctoral researcher, organizing international Hollo Symposium and coordinating in The Network of the Finnish Art Education Observatoryof ENO, European network of observatories in the field of arts and cultural education. Part-time 50 %. 15.8.2017 - 30.6.2018.

  • Project researcher in ArtsEqual research project's team 1, Arts(at)Schools. Questionnaire research Children's Cultural Centres producing involvement. Parents' evaluation about their children's participation and involvement in the arts and culture. Part-time 50 %. 1.8.2016 - 31.1.2017.

  • Research assistant in ArtsEqual research project's team 1, Art(at)School. 1.2. - 31.5.2016.

  • Editor in the book Taiteilija kehittäjänä. (Artist as a developer.) ArtsEqual. 16.11. - 18.12.2015.

  • Project researcher: a study of the current situation and future prospects of teacher education in dance and theater. University of the Arts Helsinki.16.3. - 15.6. and 10.8. - 30.9.2015.

Latest publications on artistic research (all publications in the long CV)

Martin, Mari 2021. Aina uudesti syntyvä hetkellinen yhteisö - Taiteilija-tutkijan tempoilu institutionaalisessa tutkimuskehyksessä. (An ever-re-emerging momentary community - Struggle of the artist-researher in the institutional research framework.) In Lea Kantonen & Sari Karttunen (eds.) Yhteisötaiteen etiikka - Tilaa toiselle, arvoa arvaamattomalle. (The ethics of community art - Space for Another, Appreciation for the Unpredictable. Taideyliopisto. (PDF). (Peer-reviewed research article, in Finnish.)

Martin, Mari 2020. Sensory Excursion as a Site of Encounter. In Mika Elo, Henk Slager and Tero Heikkinen (eds.) Ecologies of Practice. RUUKKU #14. Publication in artistic research. (Peer-reviewed research exposition.)

Ajauksia artist group 2020a. Sensory Experiences - A Perceiving, Encountering and Articulating Body in Urban Space. Edited by Mari Martin. CARPA 6 Conference publication on artistic research. University of the Arts Helsinki and Kiasma. (Research article.)The Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions and Futures

Ajauksia artist group 2020b. An Articulating and Perceiving Body (in Urban Space). The Conversation of Heterotopia. Report on Ajauksia artist group 's participation in Nordic Summer University's Performing Heterotopia event on July 27, 2020.

Martin, Mari 2017. Dialogissa kaupunkiympäristön kanssa. (In dialogue with the urban environment.) In Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl & Marja Silde (eds.) Tekijä - teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta. Teatterintutkimuksen seuran verkkojulkaisusarja Näyttämö ja tutkimus 6. (Peer-reviewed research article.)


CURRICULUM VITAE (long, in English)

Full name: Mari MARTIN (Mari, she/her)
Email: marimartin618(at)
Mobile phone: +358 50 460 6789
Birthday: 10 April 1965
Nationality: Finnish



General education and qualifications:

30.5.2014 Doctor of Arts (in Theatre and Drama), Theatre Academy of the Uniarts Helsinki, Finland.

31.5.2007 Licentiate of Arts (in Theatre and Drama), Department of Dance and Theatre Pedagogy, Theatre Academy, Helsinki.

10.2.2000 Master of Arts (in Theatre and Drama), Department of Dance and Theatre Pedagogy, Theatre Academy, Helsinki. The degree includes the teacher's pedagogical studies (30 study weeks.), which have been completed with the grade excellent by the University of Helsinki / Faculty of Education.

31.5.1994 Dance Teacher. Main subjects: Contemporary Dance and Children's Dance. Kuopio Conservatory, Finland.

Other education:

2003 - 2004 Directing in a children's theatre. In Stadia University of Applied Sciences continuing education, Helsinki. (20 study weeks.)

2002 - 2003 Dramaturgy for theatre makers. In Stadia University of Applied Sciences continuing education, Helsinki. (20 study weeks.)

1996 Ebb and tide. Approaches to expanding a dancer's stage expression. At the Continuing Education Center of the Theater Academy. Helsinki. (20 study weeks.)

1995 Approaches to choreographic work. At the Continuing Education Center of the Theatre Academy, Helsinki. (15 study weeks.)

1986 Theatre course at the Voionmaa Institute, Ylöjärvi, Finland. (4 months.)

1985-1986 Dance line, combined with visual arts studies in theory and practice. Liminka Art School, Finland. (1 year.)


Mother tongue: Finnish.

Other languages: English (C1), Swedish (B2), German (B1), Spanish (reading: B1, speaking: A2).


University of the Arts Helsinki (Uniarts Helsinki) :

In CfAR (Centre for Artistic Research) :

- Visiting researcher 1.1.2019 - 

- Postdoctoral researcher. Part-time 50 %. 1.5.2018 - 31.12.2018.

- Melancholia - joint exhibition with Marjatta Oja, at the University of the Arts, in the Kaiku gallery of Fine Arts and on the roof terrace (5th floor), 1-9 September 2022. I summarized my research experiences in the form of an installation Thought Wedges. Coming: We will host a PDA event (Post doc art) 18.11.2022, where we will open the contents of the exhibition. The seminar is a part of CfAR´s (Centre for Artistic Research) autumn program.

- In the Wind - Sensing the Location Now joint exposition and event on artistic research in Myymälä 2 gallery in Punavuori, Helsinki 20 May - 13 June 2021. The artist-researchers: Riikka Kevo (visual art), Mari Martin (live-art), Marjatta Oja (visual art) and Leena Valkeapää (visual art and environmental art). I implemented On the Streets for the exhibition. It consisted of my city walks in Punavuori with the participants, documenting the walks and placing the documentaries on the gallery walls. During the exhibition event, we held two online discussion events.

Research Pavilion #3 project (RP3#) :

Participation in the RP#3 project, hosted by the Uniarts Helsinki, in the context of the Venice Biennale. 1.7.2018 - 17.11.2019.

- Member of 4 artists' Ajauksia artist group and 10 members' Scandinavian Disruptive Processes group. Member of the group of 50 international artists chosen to the project.

- Contact person of Disruptive Processes group together with Lena Séraphin.

University of the Arts Helsinki (Uniarts Helsinki) / CERADA (Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts) 2015 - 2018 :

Postdoctoral researcher, organizing for international Hollo Symposium and coordinating in The Network of the Finnish Art Education Observatory of ENO, European network of observatories in the field of arts and cultural education. Part-time 50 %. 15.8.2017 - 30.6.2018.

Project researcher in ArtsEqual research project's team 1, Arts(at)Schools. Questionnaire research Children's Cultural Centres producing involvement. Parents' evaluation about their children's participation and involvement in the arts and culture. Part-time 50 %. 1.8.2016 - 31.1.2017.

Research assistant in ArtsEqual research project's team 1, Art(at)School. 1.2. - 31.5.2016.

Editor in the book Taiteilija kehittäjänä. (Artist as a developer.) ArtsEqual research project. 16.11. - 18.12.2015.

Project researcher. The task was to find out the current situation and future needs of teacher education in the field of dance and theater in Finland, with the help of a questionnaire. 16.3. - 15.6. and 10.8. - 30.9.2015.

Theatre Academy of Helsinki:

Doctoral candidate 1.3.2010 - 22.11.2013. Two years funding in the EST Doctoral program of the Music and Performing Arts (Theatre Academy, Sibelius-Academy and University of Helsinki) 1.3.2010 - 28.2.2012. Third year's funding by the Niilo Helander Foundation and the Research Centre of the Performing Arts, Theatre Academy.

18.8.2009 - 28.2.2010 Maternity leave.



Melancholia - joint exhibition of visual artist Marjatta Oja and live-artist Mari Martin's joint exhibition in the field of artistic research in the Academy of Fine Arts' Kaiku gallery and terrace (5th floor) 1–9 September 2022. 

Oja and Martin bring together the results of their artistic research in the Melancholia exhibition. Oja brings a situational sculpture to the exhibition, which is her form of work and way of performing. Martin shapes the experiences of the post doc project she carried out between 2014 and 2022 into the form of an installation. The exhibition week was completed in November 18 as a Post Doc Art event, a seminar at Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki.


Three months working with a grant from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike). Creating community artistic working conditions in Vuosaari, Helsinki. 1.10 - 31.12.2021.

In the Wind - Sensing the Location Now. Mari Martin, Riikka Kevo, Marjatta Oja and Leena & Oula Valkeapää. Collective exhibition introducing live art, visual art, environmental art and artistic research. Main exhibition,  performances and discussions. In Myymälä 2 gallery, Helsinki, 20.5. - 13.6.2021.

2018 - 2019

Research Pavilion #3 (RP#3) project in the context of the Venice Biennale, coordinated by the University of the Arts Helsinki. Participation in the project during 1.7.2018 - 17.11.2019.

- As a member of Ajauksia artist group: several sensory excursions in urban environments during the year in Helsinki area and Venice, Italy. As a member of Disruptive Processes group: numerous gatherings in Ajauksia group, Disruptive Processes group and between the members of RP#3 project. 

- Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab. Concluding exposition of the RP#3 project in the Exhibition Laboratory, University of the Arts Helsinki, 25.10. - 17.11.2019. Participation as a member of Ajauksia artist group and a member of Disruptive Processes artist group in the exposition. Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab.

    Group installation of Disruptive Processes artist group: I participated in the construction of the wooden structure sketched by Anni Laakso. We attached to the wall the sensory exercises of Ajauksia group written on the sheets. It was possible for the visitor to take training instructions for themselves. In connection with the installation, I brought my article describing our work.

- Realisation of five sensory excursions, participative workshops, as a member of Ajauksia artist group in the exposition, located in the Sala del Camino, on the island of Ciudecca in Venice: 12.6., 13.6., 14.6., 15.6. and 16.6. (as part of the Convocation - On Expanded Language-Based Practices event). /disruptive-processes-workshops

- Ajauksia artist group organized public sensory excursions in the different neighborhoods in Helsinki in the spring 2019: Kalasatama 27.5., Lapinlahti hospital area 7.5., Uutela 29.4., Kontula 15.4.

2018 -

Member of Ajauksia artist group. Activities in the research events and art contexts. The first sensory excursion with the group in the Radical Relevances, international conference in the Aalto University, Otaniemi, Espoo,  26.4.2018.

2017 - 2018

Community artist in a multicultural community art projects in Meri-Rastila suburb, Vuosaari, Helsinki. Collaboration with the resident activists, local residents and communities, the Africa Care Society and the city of Helsinki:

- December in Meri-Rastila 1.10.2017 - 22.12.2017. Local people in Meri-Rastila were planning the month of numerous events during December 2017, Christmas threes decoration, choral performances, free Christmas drink - mulled wine - service, candy service, an actor's monologue performance. I became an organizer of some of these, but my main project became a lantern walk in the woods, together with a local resident Sirkka Lehtinen.

- Collaborative art work in the Africa Care Society's women's meeting café 1.3. - 15.4.2018. Installation Talk, Hear, Face was on display at the spring party of the society in the Kulkuri resident's house 12.5.2018:

  • I spent five afternoons in the cafe, getting to know cafe's customers. During those times, I interviewed four immigrants, partly through an interpreter, and one native Finn. I went to the side room with the interviewee, asked questions and wrote the answers on a computer. Later, I slightly edited the texts and asked the interviewees to check their own texts.

  • The authors of the work: me and five anonymous customers of the encounter café, four immigrants and one native Finn I interviewed.

  • Working methods: interviewing, writing an interview speech on a computer, editing and printing text, sketching an installation into a plan, discussing the plan with the interviewees, implementing the plan.

  • Materials: drawing paper rolls, texts resulting from the interviews and objects brought by the interviewees.


Sense of Stone. Designer and realizer of the exhibition in Vuotalo gallery in Vuosaari, Helsinki 13 - 23.1.2016. Documentation of Pirkko Ahjo's, Erja Asikainen's and Mari Martin's artistic year in the Blackstone Park. The works included in the exhibition:

  • Stones, a participative installation. Materials: white pedestal, dark stones by the sea from Vuosaari and the written instruction: "What is your stone still life like? You can build your own from stones. Still lifes are being photographed and the images will be used later in the writings about the exhibition. "

  • Year in the Black Stone Park, a photo collection with the texts. The photos show moments of the dancers working during the year. The texts give a single overall picture and make interpretations of the common year.

  • Sound of the Black Stone Park, a soundscape together with a video artist Roni Tattari. The soundscape included the sounds heard in the park: seagulls, the speech of people passing by, the barking of dogs, cars passing farther past, and subway trains arriving at and departing from the subway station.

  • Dancing in the Park, three videos together with a video artist Roni Tattari. The videos show the change in the park and the activities of the dancers during the year: always the same activities chosen repeatedly, as well as new ideas and experiments created in different situations, from different impulses.

2014 - 2015

On the Rocks. A site-spesific performance in the Black Stone Park in Vuosaari, Helsinki. The work group: Pirkko Ahjo (dancer), Erja Asikainen (dancer) and Mari Martin (director, performer). 5 public performances 3 - 7.8.2015.

Vuosi Mustankivenpuistossa. (Year in the Black Stone Park.) Artistic work in Vuosaai, Helsinki: improvisation, exercises and performances. The work group: Pirkko Ahjo, Erja Asikainen and Mari Martin. 1.8.2014 - 7.8.2015.


Minun toinen (My Other). A collaborative performance with the actress Heidi Lindén. The performance was also the artistic part of my doctoral dissertation. Light backup: Seppo Lampio. Sound backup: Heikki Laakso. Driving light and sound: Osku Ärilä (visitor). Costume backup: Terttu Torkkola. Props: Tarja Hägg. Stage structures: Heli Litmanen. Information: Jaana Forsström. Production: Sanna Suonsyrjä. Video recording: Rauno Malmberg. Theatre Academy of Helsinki, room 535.


Kerroksia (Layers). I convened three dancers to work with me. Pirkko Ahjo (with the backround of contemporary dance), Erja Asikainen (with the backround of ballet and contemporary dance), Erika Alajärvi (with the backround of flamenco dance). We tested the production of autobiographical material as performance material. I worked as a director, the dancers worked as performers and choreographers. Heidi Kouhia (videos), Ilari Suonpää (sound design) and Vinski Viholainen (light design). Valtimonteatteri, Helsinki (4 performances in March.)


Heijastuksia (Reflections). Dramaturgy and direction of the contemporary flamenco performance. Choreographer + dancer: Erika Alajärvi. Other dancers: Emilia Aho, Katja Lundén, Sampsa Peltonen, Annatuuli Saine, Anna Palmio. Videos: Heidi Kouhia. Music for the performance: Ramon Maronier, Cinta Hermo. Production: flamenco group Canela, Helsinki. (Five performances in May at Stoa and Kanneltalo.)


Attic room. Dramatization and directing of Siegfried Lenz's novel Arnes Nachlass (Bullied, translation from German to Finnish: Oili Suominen) for young people. Scenography: Kanerva Vuorela. Lightning: Hannu Luoto. Photographs: Risto Vuorimies. Production: Annantalo Art Center and the Youth Stage Narri. (5 performances in September - October in Narri.)

2003 - 2008

Directions for the Elämäntaiteilijat (Life Artists) theatre group (a group of adults with CP):

2008 Annan seitsemän elämää (Anna's seven lives). According to Kaarina Helakisa's story collection. Dramatization and directing.

2007 Runon siivet (The wings of the poem). Actors with their favorite poems.

2006 Satupolkuja pitkin (Along the fairytale paths). The childhood memories and experiences of the actors.

2005 Elämän liekki (The Flame of Life). Scenes from favorite poems and plays.

2004 Hykermä. The themes of Anja Kauranen's novel Autumn Prince mirrored in the actors' own life stories.


Artistic works as a master student in the Theatre Academy of Helsinki:

  • Three Sisters, the roles of Olga, Masha and Irina in a monologue performance based on Chekhov's play. Director: Soile Rusanen, lighting designer: Vesa Martin.

  • Hämeenlinna Now, actor-singer-dancer in a multi-art performance. Director: Ville Sandqvist, scenographer: Annikki Luukela, musical director: Antti Riikonen.


Musical Grease. Choreography of the Finnish premiere of the musical. The Adult Education Center of the City of Helsinki. Collaboration between amateur performers and professionals. Director Timo Huikuri, conductor Jyrki Tenni.

1995 - 1996

Teatteri Maski. Performer, choreographer and dance teacher in a mask theatre focused group of performing arts professionals and non-professionals in Helsinki.

  • Mask dance performance Bread for four performers.

  • Choreography for Anu Kaipainen's play Rose Ballet. Director Helena Toikka.

  • Street improvisations with a mask.


Upponallen musiikkimatka maailman ääriin. (Upponalle's Musical Journey to the Ends of the Earth.) As a choreographer in the musical based on Elina Karjalainen's Upponalle stories. Dramaturgy and direction Sari Siltavuori. Conductor Robert Black. Other choreographers Marjo Puro and Sanna Mensalo. Choral conducting Matti Makkonen. Scenography Janne Siltavuori. A joint project of the Kuopio City Orchestra, the Kuopio Conservatory and the City of Kuopio. Kuopio Ice Rink.


Sylvi. As a choreographer in a play by Minna Canth. Director Sina Kujansuu. Musical dramaturgy Sami Panula. Kuopio City Theater.

1988 - 1990

Actress trainee attachment at Vaasa City Theater. Roles:

  • Henriette in Moliére's play The Learned Women. Director Marja-Leena Kuronen.

  • Singer-dancer-performer in the music and dance performance for five performers Dead Leaves. Director Pirkkoliisa Tikka. Choreographer Marjo Hämäläinen.

  • Female Advocate and Prison Guard in Ilmari Turja's play Judge Martta. Director Marja- Leena Kuronen.

  • The hooker Vixen and the Beggar in Brecht - Weill's play The Three Pennies Opera. Director Marja-Leena Kuronen. Choreographer Aita Indriksson. Conductor Pekka Haapasalo.

  • Madame Moliére and Bertta in Our Moliére: Moliére's two playlets Versailles's Impromptu and The Delusional Vihtori. Director András Márton.


The Love of Three Oranges. As a dancer in Sergei Prokofiev's opera. Choreographer Päivi Järvinen. Director Ilkka Bäckman. Conductor Atso Almila. Tampere Opera.


Ruotsinsalmi Lighthouse. As a choreographer in the musical. Langinkoski Summer Theater, Kotka. Director Timo Mäkinen.


Hair. As a choreographer in a musical built for Frenckell's courtyard in Tampere. Director Timo Mäkinen. Conductor Perttu Mäkinen.


Kirje (Letter). Marita's role in Juha Mannerkorpi's play. Dir. Anne Raatikainen. Sissiteatteri (Guerrilla Theater), Tampere.


Tango Buenos Aires. The main role of a dance theater performance. Voionmaa Institute 4 months theatre course. Director and choreographer Raili Kemi. Personnel guidance: Timo Mäkinen.


Kolgata. Actress, in the spectacle of suffering. Director Arto Putkonen, composer Sami Itkonen, conductor Olli Roman. Oulu Youth Theatre at the Oulu bread factory.

Artist's Residences

2015 A week with the dancers Erja Asikainen and Pirkko Ahjo in the Centre of Performing Arts (Eskus) in Helsinki.

2007 A two-week residency period for writing and watching performances in Stockholm. Swedish Cultural Foundation.


Martin, Mari 2021. Aina uudesti syntyvä hetkellinen yhteisö. - Taiteilija-tutkijan tempoilu institutionaalisessa tutkimuskehyksessä. (An ever-re-emerging momentary community - Struggle of the artist-researcher in the institutional research framework.) In Lea Kantonen & Sari Karttunen (eds.) Yhteisötaiteen etiikka - Tilaa toiselle, arvoa arvaamattomalle. (The ethics of community art - Space for Another, Appreciation for the Unpredictable. Taideyliopisto. (PDF). (Peer-reviewed research article, in Finnish.)

Martin, Mari 2020. Sensory Excursion as a Site of Encounter. In Elo, Henk Slager and Tero Heikkinen (eds.) Ecologies of Practice. RUUKKU #14. Publication in artistic research. (Peer-reviewed research exposition.)

Ajauksia artist group 2020a. Sensory Experiences - A Perceiving, Encountering and Articulating Body in Urban Space. Edited by Mari Martin. CARPA 6 Conference publication on artistic research. University of the Arts Helsinki and Kiasma. (Research article.) The Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions and Futures. ajauksia-artist-group-sensory-experiences-an-articulating-encountering-and-perceiving-body-in-urban-space/

Ajauksia artist group 2020b. An Articulating and Perceiving Body (in Urban Space). The Conversation of Heterotopia. Report on Ajauksia artist group 's participation in Nordic Summer University's Performing Heterotopia event on July 27, 2020

Martin, Mari 2017. Dialogissa kaupunkiympäristön kanssa. (In dialogue with the urban environment.) In Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl & Marja Silde (eds.) Tekijä - teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta. Teatterintutkimuksen seuran verkkojulkaisusarja Näyttämö ja tutkimus 6. (Peer-reviewed research article.)

Martin, Mari 2017. Lastenkulttuurikeskukset osallisuutta tuottamassa. - Huoltajien taustat ja kokemukset taide- ja kulttuurikasvatukseen osallistumisen määrittäjinä. Taideyliopiston ArtsEqual-hanke ja Suomen lastenkulttuurikeskusten liitto. (Questionnaire research.)

Anttila, Eeva & Jaakonaho, Liisa & Juntunen, Marja-Leena & Martin, Mari & Nikkanen, Hanna M. & Saastamoinen, Riku & Turpeinen, Isto. School as Finland's largest cultural centre. ArtsEqual research project, policy brief 2/2017. University of the Arts Helsinki. ArtsEqual policy brief 2/2017:Comprehensive school: Finland's largest cultural center (PDF)

Anttila, Eeva & Jaakonaho, Liisa & Juntunen, Marja-Leena & Martin, Mari & Nikkanen, Hanna M. & Saastamoinen, Riku & Turpeinen, Isto. Peruskoulu: Suomen suurin kulttuurikeskus. Taideyliopiston ArtsEqual-tutkimushankkeen toimenpidesuositus 2/2017.

Martin, Mari. Taiteen lokeroista kohti tutkivaa monitaide-elämää. Teoksessa Soili Hämäläinen (kirj. ja toim.) Tanssi yliopistossa. Kirjoituksia uuden koulutus- ja tutkimusalan muotoutumisesta. Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu. Nivel 07. (Research article.)

Lehikoinen, Kai & Pässilä, Anne & Martin, Mari & Pulkki, Maiju (toim.). Taiteilija kehittäjänä. Taiteelliset interventiot organisaatioissa. (An artist as a developer. Artistic interventions in organizations.)Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu. (One of four editors in the book of 14 articles.)

Martin, Mari. Selvitys tanssin ja teatterin alan opettajankoulutuksen nykytilanteesta ja tulevaisuudennäkymistä. (A study of the current situation and future prospects of teacher education in the field of dance and theater.) Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu. (Internal research conducted at the Theater Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki.)

Martin, Mari 2014. Minän esitys. Ohjaajan pohdintaa oman, yksityisen päiväkirjakatkelman työstämisestä näyttämölle. (A Performance of Me/I - A Director's Reflection on Working a Fragment of a Private Diary onto the Stage) Helsinki: Teatterikorkeakoulu, Esittävien taiteiden tutkimuskeskus. Acta Scenica 35. Doctoral Thesis.

Martin, Mari. Doctoral lecture (in Finnish) 22.11.2013

Martin, Mari. Teatterin kätilö. (As a midwife in the theater.) In Marjatta Bardy & Riikka Haapalainen & Merja Isotalo & Pekka Korhonen (eds.) Taide keskellä elämää. (Art in the middle of life.) Like / Nykytaiteen museo Kiasman julkaisuja 106 / 2007. (Research Article.)

Martin, Mari. Lapsilähtöistä teatteria. Taiteilija-pedagogin työskentely koulun taideprojektissa. (Creating Theatre from a Child's Point of View. Artist-Pedagogue's Work in a School Art Project.) (Licentiate's thesis. Unpublished.)

Martin, Mari. Satu oman elämän heijastuspintana. Lapsen ja aikuisen kerronta. (A fairy tale as a reflection surface of your own life. Child and adult narration.) In Inkeri Sava & Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen (eds.) Taiteeksi tarinoitu oma elämä. (My own life told in art.) Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, Opetus 2000. (Research article.)

Vesanen-Laukkanen, Virpi & Martin, Mari & Sava, Inkeri. Liite 1. Opettajien taidetyöpajatoiminta 2001-2003. (Appendix 1. Teachers' art workshop activities 2001-2003.) In Inkeri Sava & Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen (eds.) Taiteeksi tarinoitu oma elämä. (My own life told in art.) Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, Opetus 2000. (Research article.)

Vesanen-Laukkanen, Virpi & Sava, Inkeri & Martin, Mari. Yhteistyötä ja yhteistä jakamista. In Inkeri Sava & Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen (eds.) Taiteeksi tarinoitu oma elämä. (My own life told in art.) Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus, Opetus 2000. (Research article.)

Martin, Mari. Katseemme kohtaavat... ja me hymyilemme (Our gazes meet... and we smile). In Mari Krappala & Tarja Pääjoki (eds.) Taide ja toiseus. Syrjästä yhteisöön. (Art and otherness. From the margins to the community.) Stakesin julkaisusarja. (Research article.)

Vesanen-Laukkanen, Virpi & Martin, Mari. Omaelämäkerrallinen taide. Työskentelyn perusteita etsimässä. (Autobiographical art. Looking for the basics of working.) In Inkeri Sava & Marjatta Bardy (eds.) Taiteellinen toiminta, elämäntarinat ja syrjäytyminen. (Artistic activity, life stories and exclusion.) Syreenin Taimi-projekti 2001-2003. Työpaperit. Taideteollisen korkeakoulun julkaisusarja F21. (Research article.)


Research Hub Advisory Board of the University of the Arts Helsinki interviewed me as a post doc researcher of CfAR. Evaluation task of the University of the Arts Helsinki 6.9.2018.

As a researcher in the collaborative research projects:

2018 - 2019 Research Pavilion

2015 - 2020 ArtsEqual, team 4: Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists (2015-2017), team 1: Arts(at)School, (2017 - 2020)

2010 - 2012 Doctoral program of the Music and Performing Arts, EST (Theatre Academy, Sibelius-Academy and University of Helsinki).

2001 - 2003 Taimi (Art and Me) sub-project of the Syreeni (Marginalization, Inequality and Ethnic Relations in Finland) research program, 2001 - 2003, funded by the Academy of Finland programmes/syreeni/

The organizer in academic events:

Post Doc Art event Artists, Institutions and Social Responsibility. Post Doc Art event in CfAR, Uniarts Helsinki. 2018.

Arts Education Serving the Goals of UNESCO's Sustainable Development. Symposium organized by Hollo Institute, Uniarts Helsinki and the Observatory of the Arts and Cultural Education in Finland. 2018.

Back to Senses. Exploring Future Directions of Arts Education. Hollo Institute and the Uniarts Helsinki. 2017.

Tukka Tutkella (Tutke Tube), spring seminar in the performing arts research centre (Tutke), Theatre Academy, Helsinki. 11.-12.5.2011.


As a pre-examiner in the artistic part of Kenneth Siren's doctoral dissertation in artistic research. University of the Arts Helsinki, 2021.

Talks Lectures (invited talks:)

2019About Democracy and Collegiality. In dialogue with Minna Heikinaho evaluating the ecologies of practice and the cellular method of the Research Pavilion #3 project. Concluding seminar of the project. Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki, 26.10.2019.

2019In Dialogue With the Urban Environment. In the research day Kartoitusjamit (Mapping Jam session) in Pori University Hub. Organised by University of Turku / landscape studies and Aalto University, 21.5.2019. (In Finnish.)

2019To Conduct Post Doctoral Research in Varying Contexts in the University of the Arts Helsinki. In the seminar of Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke, Uniarts Helsinki, 14.2.2019.

2019Contextual Changes in My Research Process. In the Post Doc Art event View from the Window, in CfAR, Uniarts Helsinki, 31.1.2019.

2018Why Artistic Dialogue. In CfARs Post Doc Art event Swarming in April. Uniarts Helsinki. 5.4.2018.

2014Theatrical Me/I. In the University of Jyvaskylä in the seminar Own Life - Arts, Writing and Research. (In Finnish.)Conference papers and presentations:

2021Taiteellisesta dialogista maailmojen kohtaamiseen (From artistic dialogue to the encounter of worlds). Teatterintutkimuksen seuran (TeaTS) syysseminaari (Theatre Research Society's autumn seminar). Teatterimuseo, Helsinki. 17.12.2021. 

2020Sensory Experiences: An Articulating Encountering and Perceiving Body (in Urban Space). Sensory excursion with Ajauksia group in Lapinlahti hospital area in Helsinki. In the Nordic Summer University's (NSU) Summer Session Tracing the Spirit: Study Circle 7: Artistic Research / Performing Heterotopia. 27.7.2020.

2019Sensory Experiences: An Articulating Encountering and Perceiving Body in Urban Space. Sensory excursion with Ajauksia group in the surroundings of the building. In the colloquium on artistic resaearch CARPA in the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, 29.8.2019.

2018Sensory Exercise / Ajauksia artist group. Participative lecture demonstration with Minna Heikinaho in the Post Doc Art event Artists, Institutions and Social Responsibilityin CfAR, Uniarts Helsinki 4.12.2018.

2018Sensory Excursion with Ajauksia group. In Radical Relevances, international conference in the Aalto University, Otaniemi, Espoo, 26.4.2018.

2018Why Artistic Dialogue. In CfARs Post Doc Art event Swarming in April. Uniarts Helsinki. 5.4.2018.

2017Children's Cultural Centres Producing Involvement. A lecture in Kotka, on the Spring Days of The Unity of the Children's Cultural Centres in Finland. 22.3.2017. (In Finnish.)

2017Artistic Researcher Reaches Towards an Institution. Presentation in the research kolloquium in Turku. Taikusydän, the net of the Finnish researchers' in the fields of arts and healthy. 28.2.2017. (In Finnish.)

2015A Performance Maker's Dialogue with the Urban Environment. Presentation on the research days at The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the Uniarts Helsinki. 19.5.2015.

2012About Artistic Dialogue. On the Autumn Days of The Theatre Research Society in the University of Helsinki. 23.11.2012. (In Finnish.)

2011 About Autobiographical Performance. In the IABA Conference on Autobiographical Story Telling. University of Tallinn. 19.5.2011.

2011How to Work On Autobiographical. In Tukka Tutkella (Tutke Tube) spring seminar in the performing arts research centre (Tutke), Theatre Academy, Helsinki. 11.5.2011.

2010Open Reflection After the Rehearsal. With the actress Heidi Lindén. In Tuhkasta Timantteihin ( Between dust and Diamonds), spring seminar in the performing arts research centre (Tutke), Theatre Academy, Helsinki. 12.5.2010. (In Finnish.)

Positions of trust

Peer reviewer for articles in international and Finnish publications 2021, 2020, 2017 and 2010.

Alternate member of the steering committee in The Performing Arts Research Centre of the Theatre Academy of the Uniarts Helsinki. 2014 - 2016.

Assessments to the master's thesises in the Academy of Fine Arts (Henna Tanskanen 2012) and the Theatre Academy (Harri Liuksiala 2011, Taruelma Heikkinen 2007).

Member and secretary of the board of the Theatre Research Society (TeaTS) in Finland 2012 - 2014.


In universities / educator in teacher training and adult education:

University of Helsinki, kindergarten teacher training program 2004.

University of Arts and Design, Helsinki. 1.5-year in-service training for primary school teachers in autobiographical art as part of the Taimi (Art and Me) sub-project of the Syreeni (Marginalization, Inequality and Ethnic Relations in Finland) research program, 2001 - 2003, funded by the Academy of Finland.

Theatre Academy of Helsinki, Open University. Teacher-coordinator of Basic and Subject Studies in the "Teaching of Theater and Drama", Open University of the Theater Academy, 2000 - 2003.

In adult education:

Autobiographical Performance.Teacher on an intensive course on Adults Education Institute of Helsinki, 18 - 20.11.2016. (24 lessons.)

Biographical Writing. Teacher on a course Adults Education Institute of Helsinki. 9.2. - 5.4.2016. (4 lessons / week)

Art Weekends, workshops for kinderkarten workers. Mannerheimin Lastensuojeuliitto. (Mannerheim League for Child Welfare.) 13.4. - 25.5.2012.

 In art schools:

Espoo School of Performing Arts 2008 - 2009.

Annantalo Art Center, Helsinki 2005 and 2000 - 2001.

In cultural youth work: Draamastudio, Helsinki Youth Affairs Center 1996 - 2000.

In a high school: Koivukylä highschool, Vantaa 2000 - 2001.


Intensive Course in Physical Expression 1 week, Workers' Academy, Kauniainen 2008.

Theater Camp, Espoo School of Performing Arts 2008.

Lahti Folk High School Theater Summer High School 1997 and 1998.

Teacher in dance:

Dance School Tanssihyrrä, Espoo 1995 - 1996 (full-time).

Teatteri Maski, a mask theatre focused group of performing arts professionals and non- professionals, street improvisations and productions. Helsinki 1995 - 1996.

School of Musical Theater Expression Musti, Helsinki 1995 - 1996 (part-time).

Teaching practice 6 months in Oulu Art School in dance (also in theatre and visual arts) 1993.

Adult Education Center in Leppävirta (part-time).

1 week course in Polvijärvi.

Dance teacher teaching practice in Kuopio, 1990 - 1994.