The online publication of our book on the ethics of community art has now been published (in Finnish)


My peer-reviewed research article Aina uudesti syntyvä hetkellinen yhteisö - Taiteilija-tutkijan tempoilua institutionaalisessa tutkimuskehyksessä (The Ever-Emerging Momentary Community - Struggle of the Artist-Researcher in the Institutional Research Framework) is included in the anthology entitled Yhteisötaiteen etiikka - tilaa toiselle, arvoa arvaamattomalle (Ethics of Community Art - Space for Another, Appreciation for the Unpredictable), edited by Lea Kantonen and Sari Karttunen. The book is a collection of 18 articles that will appear in the University of the Arts Helsinki's Kokos publication series. An online version of the book has now been published, the permanent address of which is: